Transformer Facilities
After the electrical energy is produced, there are transmission and transfer processes. Transformer facilities play a vital role in the distribution of electricity. From here, the substations located at the distribution network connection point, namely switchyards, are of vital importance for energy.
It is important that the efficiency does not decrease after the electricity is produced. Voltage is adjusted by step-up and step-down transformers. Electricity is transported with a certain kV in power transmission lines and regional distribution companies start distribution with a certain kV. While all these stages are taking place, the facilities established at certain points and performing the opening and closing work are called transformer center facilities.
As Ekin Enerji, we would like you to know that we are always at your service for all jobs, from the new installation of the transformer facilities to the new additions to the transformer center, including the installation installation steps.
In transformer facility works, it is very important to determine and project the appropriate transformer solution according to the required power requirement. The transformer center work is completed by following certain steps. Of course, first of all, the electrical installation project should be drawn and the power demanded for the project should be determined. Then the project presentation should be made, and an application for energy permit should be made. After these processes are completed, it is time to ask from which line the energy will be taken. All these procedures are completed and the transformer installation process suitable for the project is completed.